Ever since it was announced that Megan Lowder had made an early exit from Big Brother 19, fans have questioned what went down inside the house that paved the way for her departure. 

Thankfully, the latest episode of Big Brother did not leave many of the details out, and we are actually very sad to see her go so soon. 

So, let’s get to it. 

We picked up right after the nominations ceremony, and there was a whole lot of angst around the house. Megan felt upset because of the way the house seemed to be coming after her. 

First, she had to go toe-to-toe with Josh because he was calling her a bad person. Second, she was put on the block by Cody on the back of that argument. 

Megan did not get the memo that bad luck comes in threes. Everyone was out in the back yard, enjoying the sun and having a good old time, but Jessica made a comment comparing Alex to Pao Pao from Big Brother 16. 

Megan did not hear the full thing and assumed Jessica was calling her friend a "panda." Looking for a way to shift the target from her own back, Megan told Alex about it. 

She then brought up the fact that it could be racism because Alex is Asian. Although Alex did not want to have any conflict, she was pissed.

Paul was in earshot of this whole conversation and told Jessica about it. Jessica was furious and made her way to speak to Alex. She was quick to point out that those words did not escape her mouth. 

Here’s the thing: Jessica said she referred to her as "Alex" and that’s a complete lie. She compared her to Pao Pao, and I don’t get why she did not say that. 

Instead, Jessica told Alex that Megan was trying desperately to find a new target so that she could stay in the game a little longer. 

Alex reacted in anger and called Megan out in front of the house. For what it’s worth, Megan acted like she had no idea what the heck was going on. 

There is every reason to believe she could have genuinely believed what she thought she heard. Alex and Jillian essentially cut Megan out of the alliance, and that was that. 

When it came to picking the have nots for the week, Cody asked if anyone wanted to volunteer. Ramses, Megan, Jillian, Josh, and Paul volunteered to go on the block. 

The room the have-nots were gifted to sleep in had spikes on the bed. In short, there was no way to get a good sleep on the bed. Big Brother offered up a temptation twist, which Paul agreed to try. 

He won his way out of being a have not. He’s one lucky guy. 

Megan then self-evicted from the game and every other houseguest was shocked to learn the news, but that did not mean they were done trashing her. 

Paul was voted into the Den of Temptation and won a three-week safety from eviction chain, and the rest of the house thought Josh had won it. 

Knowing he had to put someone else up on the block, Cody tried to get a read on Alex, but she told him she would be targeting his alliance if she came into power. 

As expected, he nominated Alex in Megan’s place. 

The good thing about all of it was that Cody gave Alex a chance to save herself with the veto. At least if she leaves, she’s not leaving through the back door. 

What do you think about all of the twists?

Sound off below!

Big Brother Winners: RANKED!

