DATING apps are no longer just minefields of nudes and catfishes - there are now unicorn hunters out there too!

While it may sound like stuff of Brothers Grimm fairy tales, this is the new term used for couples trawling the likes of Tinder and Bumble to find a singleton to join their already established relationship.

The unicorn hunter has been described as someone who cruises through dating apps, looking for a playmate to join another couple's sex life.

It's a tricky ask, which is how the hunters got their name, says sex journalist Anne Vetter for Cosmopolitan.

She said: "The queer who’s down to be a living sex toy for a straight couple is a mythical creature indeed."

The rising trend has seen the unicorn emoji re-purposed and splashed all over profiles of those who are 'pro-hunters'.

But on the other hand some - the antis - are sick of being seen as unicorn-bait, and have actively been writing "I’m not your unicorn” on their profiles.

Anne explains: "These couples are looking for me to enter their fantasy—not help me live out mine.

"The expectation is that the unicorn is a transitory visitor who won’t mess up their relationship.

"They make the rules and the unicorn must abide."

She revealed how to spot 'unicorn hunters' while swiping through an app, as the first pic will usually be a provocative one of a woman by herself.

As soon as you swipe to the next photo, there she is in the arms of a man.

But some are harder to spot, and wait until they're sliding into your DM's before dropping the bombshell they're in a committed relationship - they just want you to join the fun.

So, have you been caught as a potential unicorn?

If so, let us know by emailing


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